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Posts posted by Tristan_

  1. Fair enough I kind of thought that would be the case but thought I'd ask anyway. I understand people get worried that the activists etc might use the pictures against what you guys do but I get the feeling no matter what pictures are taken or not taken they will keep banging on about anti-hunting regardless. Also I'm sure they could access online pictures from the galleries on sites like www.boardogs.com and the other online in public domain to use for their stories? I'll keep trying and see how I go as I think it will be a great picture story from a photographers point of view. I also think it's a good way of raising the profile of hunting ferals and getting that side of the story told. Too many of our city/town dwellers all love the thought of buying a choc bilby to save the species but have no idea (or care) the fact that ferals need to be destroyed as part of environmental balance. Hunting is a massive part of our culture in the bush that the vast majority don't know anything about besides things they read from the anti-hunting activists.



    There is a big pig dogging workshop at Nundle coming up soon, in the State Forests. A couple of people on here are organizing it, I think that would be the way for you to go. That way no one will have to worry about you stuffing up the permission for the property they have. In my opinion it would actually be good, as there will be alot of anti-hunting clowns there protesting, which would provide you with some good shots.

  2. Thanks for that post it made me chuckle. I actually work for an agency who supply images to all areas of the media both print and online. The usages can be wide and varied both in Australia as well as overseas. I did a hunting picture story a couple of years ago and it was used quite a bit. Some usages can be seen on the following sites:







    In my opinion, I think you are legitimate. Googled alot of your work/Facebooked you. The thing is though, it is almost a weekly occurrence that an animal rights activist/vegan/RSPCA follower joins up and asks something similar or tries to get some "dirt" on hunters to use in anti-hunting stories etc. Everyone who read that first post thought the exact same thing. Also, "I actually work for an agency who supply images to all areas of the media" is the bit that would worry anyone who gave it a second thought. Not having a go at you or anything, just saying that being a minority group, we are not going to shoot ourselves in the foot.

  3. Yeah that is possible. Although I won't be going out for a while as my car is giving me troubles. I think the majority of pigs killed in Australia end up as dog food and trophies, and those who are able to take them to chillers and get paid a small amount.

    If you don't get any soon, send me a PM and i'd be happy to help you out.

  4. na mate. rabbits and foxes. also the local pest dogs that annoy our live stock. but want to get a hunting dog and have a go at pigs.

    what about you.

    also does any body you know how to get notifications in your email when somebody replys on your posts?

    Ahh yeah. Well around here I am up to my neck in deer meat and rabbit and fox skins. I have to travel 3 or so hours to get to goats and pigs though.

  5. Hey fellas, finally claimed my mums email address because I couldnt register with my hotmail account haha.

    I live in NSW on the Coast and have been shooting for years, only just got into dogging around December last year and love it. Got my 20 grand loan approved and will have myself a new ute by the end of this month. Want to buy myself a decent ute finder or a started finder and once i'm setup i'll get a lugger so I won't have to rely on my mates dogs. I work at Wingham Abs in the QA department, good money and people to work with.

    Thats about all I have to say for myself haha.

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