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Everything posted by Tristan_

  1. Go HID and don't go above a 9". I had the Powabeam 11" HID and my god you could spot pigs from miles away. Useless for roo shooting as it moves too much unless you will always have a 2nd person in the car to hold it for you. Get a Nigheater they are worth the coin
  2. Haha funniest thing I have read in a while.
  3. Head to Fannys or anyone of those places, full of pigs
  4. PM a MOD mate they can do it in the blink of an eye
  5. "yeah nah" haha you sound like a funny bloke. Welcome to the site
  6. There is a big pig dogging workshop at Nundle coming up soon, in the State Forests. A couple of people on here are organizing it, I think that would be the way for you to go. That way no one will have to worry about you stuffing up the permission for the property they have. In my opinion it would actually be good, as there will be alot of anti-hunting clowns there protesting, which would provide you with some good shots.
  7. In my opinion, I think you are legitimate. Googled alot of your work/Facebooked you. The thing is though, it is almost a weekly occurrence that an animal rights activist/vegan/RSPCA follower joins up and asks something similar or tries to get some "dirt" on hunters to use in anti-hunting stories etc. Everyone who read that first post thought the exact same thing. Also, "I actually work for an agency who supply images to all areas of the media" is the bit that would worry anyone who gave it a second thought. Not having a go at you or anything, just saying that being a minority group, we are not going to shoot ourselves in the foot.
  8. Just make a few more posts mate and you should be right
  9. G'day. Yeah the oldies or missus will always have a reason for you to not get another dog haha.
  10. Welcome. Where abouts you do your hunting?
  11. From my experience they aren't finders unless you have a pig in the spotlight or in the open in the day and it can see it. Once they have hold they don't let go though. Bad thing when you have to drag a pig 200m back the ute and it's got lockjaw on the pigs neck.
  12. Hey. Don't hear much about hunting down south, always good to know it exists there haha. And yeah, these forums are a wealth of knowledge.
  13. G'day. Dunno why you'd move here, i'd way rather the territory haha.
  14. I've got you already haha. Chopper said you got a kelpie x?
  15. Yeah that is possible. Although I won't be going out for a while as my car is giving me troubles. I think the majority of pigs killed in Australia end up as dog food and trophies, and those who are able to take them to chillers and get paid a small amount. If you don't get any soon, send me a PM and i'd be happy to help you out.
  16. Ahh yeah. Well around here I am up to my neck in deer meat and rabbit and fox skins. I have to travel 3 or so hours to get to goats and pigs though.
  17. G'day. What you usually hunt? Deer?
  18. Yeah, had the pleasure of hunting with one last weekend out Nyngan, every 10 minutes she was off into the scrub and was finding up to 1km out
  19. Hey fellas, finally claimed my mums email address because I couldnt register with my hotmail account haha. I live in NSW on the Coast and have been shooting for years, only just got into dogging around December last year and love it. Got my 20 grand loan approved and will have myself a new ute by the end of this month. Want to buy myself a decent ute finder or a started finder and once i'm setup i'll get a lugger so I won't have to rely on my mates dogs. I work at Wingham Abs in the QA department, good money and people to work with. Thats about all I have to say for myself haha.
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