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About hunter_2010

  • Birthday June 16

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  • Interests
    Hunting Fox/Hare/Rabbits with Dogs!!

hunter_2010's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Welcome to Ozziedoggers.......Enjoy!!!!
  2. Welcome to OD....where u from??
  3. Welcome Buddy.....i dont think u will have a problem finding urself a DANE X MASTIFF X ARAB pup on here....always plenty of Dogs/Pups 4sale!! Cheers.......
  4. Hey Jackson...it's Ashley, Welcome the the Site.....Great Place to meet Hunters & see different breeds ect. It will let u do stuff in time...but u should become a VIP member its only $10/year & u get heaps of extras! Cheers...Enjoy Buddy!!!!
  5. sorry mate just get on once and never!

  6. Welcome to the site Buddy....Enjoy
  7. Welcome Mate...It's a great site u will Enjoy!!
  8. Hey Brenton...bout time u became a member of this site...bit slack lol...Welcome Mate!
  9. Thanx Guys..yeh there are many great dogs on here i hear...thanx Steve she is quite quick
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