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Posts posted by pointer

  1. is it permitted to use gps tracking devices in australia?

    you can use them where ever you like when ever you like ,just like the rest of the hunters in oz, getting caught is the difference[ but no-one is looking for you ], no-one cares if you do or we would all be in jail.cheers peter

  2. gday im just wondering if anyone has any tips on how i can get my pup finding pigs and also how to get him hunting off the back of the ute thanks heaps

    spend some time in the field looking for them,preferably with some one who has a dog that can find,if not continue to keep going on your own,if you can find some on a regular basis that you see you'll have a chance and the dog will pick it up from there .cheers peter

  3. Hi all. New member. Just starting hunting with dogs again after a ten year lay off due to living in the big smoke. Moving up the cape for a couple of years so real keen to get a couple of good dogs and chase a few.


    Hi ,welcome to the site,where are you moving to ,in the cape.cheers peter

  4. hi all me and some buddies are planning a trip up to the gulf at the end of may early june would this time of the year be ok weather wise cheers razorhog

    it will still be very wet at that time of year, we are having another good wet season ,there will be plenty of pigs but the water will be in abundance as will the long grass,good luck with finding them you will need it cheers peter

  5. G,day guys .Reece here from NZ, I was recommended by one of your fellow aussie pighunters to join up and have alook how your fella's do it and to maybe advertise my longrange aerials systems I make for the garmin system.That are very well suited to your part of the world, but I must hear from the good admin people before posting anything of such a nature.

    I have learnt a few things about the garmin gear along the way so feel free to ask any questions on the system I may be able to help.I am certainly no expert but could be helpful to ones using the system.

    Also I love to process my own wild pork into such things as ham bacon salami, smoked pork , I don't do sausages as if it's only good for them I feed it to the dogs....lol...So can let you know what works for me.

    pleased to be on board ...happy hunting to all

    Cheers Reece

    where are you from north or south island . I've hunted around the north end of the south island ,marlborough district ,rai valley cheers peter

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