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Everything posted by StWilde

  1. Ta. I sat down one day and thought... "If I could have any job what would it be doing... it would have to involve traveling to see Australia, meeting great people and drinking lots of beer at great parties and pubs" and so I started a business which focuses on getting gigs that let me do that. No luck about it - I just made a choice and made it happen.
  2. For a crust I run my own business promoting life in the Bush - www.localintelligence.com.au - t involves a lot of travel talking to kids about careers in Agriculture and talking to employers about recruitment and retention in rural areas etc... basically I talk anywhere to anyone I can about how great it is to live in the Bush... and I manipulate that calendar to suit my social life. I took him down to the horses this morning. He didn't ignore them but he didn't chase them. Getting there...
  3. Hi Dogmann, I tried to PM you but your inbox is full. My travel plans look roughly like this: Thursday Jul-23 Forbes Friday Jul-24 Mudgee Saturday Jul-25 Mudgee Monday Jul-27 Tuesday Jul-28 Wednesday Jul-29 Scone Thursday Jul-30 Singleton Friday Jul-31 Singleton Saturday Aug-01 Sunday Aug-02 Nyngan Monday Aug-03 Condoblin Tuesday Aug-04 Wednesday Aug-05 Thursday Aug-06 Bathurst Friday Aug-07 Monday Aug-10 Bathurst Tuesday Aug-11 Singleton Wednesday Aug-12 Thursday Aug-13 Friday Aug-14 Monday Aug-17 Inverell Tuesday Aug-18 Wednesday Aug-19 Gunnedah Thursday Aug-20 Gunnedah Friday Aug-21 Gunnedah Saturday Aug-22 Monday Aug-24 Orange Tuesday Aug-25 Thanx for offering to take me and the poodle out hunting... I am looking forward to some training tips too
  4. My NQ trip will land in Cairns and take in Sarina, Innisfail, and Proserpine. I put a new hearing aid on my dog this morning (it is an electric collar but I am now calling it his hearing aid as he seems to hear me much better when he has it on) and it was brilliant. Had a hit once when he ignored me, another when he chased the first lot of horses, another when he chased the second lot and then when I came back through the horses he was protective of me but didn't hunt them at all. It will still take some time I think but so far so good. I am in Inverell around August 17. Thanx for the support everyone,
  5. G'day all, I have a 12 month old hound which they told me when I got him at 4 weeks was a bull arab but he thinks he is a poodle. He is a complete sook and terribly spoilt by me. We travel a lot right around Australia but we pay rent and try to call home to a house in Toowoomba, Qld. Last year while in WA I took him out hunting with some mates and we both loved it. Then a fella came to buy my bike off me in his truck which had just taken pigs to the sale yards and the poodle went mad trying to get at them. Currently he is bored and so he is exercising the neighbours sheep and horses and anything else that moves... not the best way to make friends in the neighbourhood. Apparently he went down to their BBQ and made himself at home cleaning up all of their meat. I am looking to start taking him out regularly but I have no idea how to start or where so all advice is most welcome. I would love to find someone with good dogs in the Toowoomba area that I could take him out with so he and I could learn some more. In the mean time we are off to NQ next week then the week after we will have 4 weeks in NSW down around Forbes, Bathurst, Dubbo etc. Please drop me a line if my poodle and I can go hunting with you where ever you are...
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