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Everything posted by OutOfSightHound

  1. I gather if I don't do stupid stuff and make sure I dispatch any vermin that isn't dead after my dog munches it I'm fine. I did apply for a hunting permit and stated I was hunting with sight hounds for the purpose of vermin control. I got it too, I'm just a little nervous as I'm organizing a group hunt with some friends and we are having a little competition for who catches the most bunnies.
  2. Hi I'm trying to find out about laws regarding hunting foxes and rabbits with sight hounds. It seems there are laws for hunting deer, pigs, but all I can find is that coursing is illegal. Coursing though is a gambling activity on a canned hunt of which the objective is not to catch the hare but score points. So I'm at a loss as animals welfare acts don't spell out the use of dogs for vermin control just that setting a dog onto another animal for sport is illegal. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for hunting hare rabbits with greyhounds and the like. The death is fast too for the rabbit. I have rang the various department of agriculture etc and each time you ask they say they don't know, but say don't hunt to be on the safe side. Once I have all the correct information I was hoping to put it on the web for others
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