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Everything posted by Feral

  1. Want to 'like' your comment Staghound, but don't have that privilege yet. Shame I've packed and moved the photo box, otherwise I'd scan the pic of my younger as 2y.o. communing with Snake, the Irish Wolfie X. Dion, as it's commonly said, though without eyes at the back of my head or ability to see through walls, I had peace of mind with previous dogs. They were like the St Bernard 'Nanny' of the Darling family children in Peter Pan. With Baci (Bah-chee: kisses in Italian), just as well it's only me now. Doesn't know her strength and accidentally landed a Liverpool kiss giving me a cut/fat lip months ago. More spatially aware now as puppy exuberance is waning. Katrina, was paraphrasing him and used terms I don't myself but heard elsewhere; so some idea of what separates the dickheads ;-) If you're the Katrina of Matilda Downs/Southern Cross, am guessing you are, then you've much to be proud of. If so, it was your write up on specifying pup matching that I referred to. The setup/communication was not the calibre of rigidij breeders.... what I could afford. Kept missing out on the right (harder to place, but what I'm after) rescue dog and besides not personally into current practices. He had high spotties on his ute, his girlfriend mentioned trips "going out west" and he pretty much tried to tailor a sale to what was sought. (In hindsight part of why I think they catered to hunters, omitting as much to me.) Kept saying "They'll be big dogs.", while I'm thinking, not big enough! Got burned on another aspect, so not going back to seek any advice, even though I attempted to want to stay in contact.
  2. Awesome Katrina, thank you! Checked them out online and finally good to have the right contacts. The guy I bought her from, aside from alluding to the importance of training, didn't offer this info (man of few words) and my earlier magic-of-google searches was inconclusive. Again, my other dogs were a snap to be in obedience sync. S'pose the downside to the majesty of her self-possessed way. Noticed elsewhere how they point out to state what you're looking for in a pup. He steered me towards the runt, but after having her overnight, she was waaay too whiney - a deal breaker - so went back for the one who was off on her own. Thank you, okey dokey & no worries: HogHolder and northern mick. Hey Mick, I left the Territory in the mid 90s (the nearest to 'home' on this planet) and would return in a heartbeat - if circumstances permitted ;-) Well Peeps, after Baci dragging round the lead and bringing me her collar this arvo, I disconnected from the virtual and went to a new dog park for the first time. Lo and behold we meet plenty of nice owners and dogs suited to her temperament. (Pretty much gave up going to the wrong ones at the wrong time & besides have an empty oval across the road when school's out.) One of the first standouts being a Kangaroo Dog that I'd only found out about online last night, as our nation's first breed. Then met an interesting young man who is starting out as a serious breeder and also had hunting dogs. Boy did I get an education.... he very much separates family/house dogs and hunting dogs. Says they change (when blooded), need totally different management, explaining why/how they require domination. Am all for reason, clicking when spelt out. So the bloke who mistook me for a plant may well have picked up a naivety. It's a revelation that doesn't reconcile well with the boyfriend's dog in the Top End, who would hunt with him yet be gentle as with my (now 25 y.o.) five year old daughter. Also caretook a Wolfhound bitzer hunter and other wilddogs-come-softies. Live and learn. At any rate, where ever you are and what ever you do, many thanks for your patience and keep up the good work and spirit!
  3. Thank you Staghound. We'll do... isolation sucks. The first two pics are cooped up in this unit, the others at the new place over the past week. On trips out she (from the deck at a distance) at first barked at the neighbour's cattle or horses who sometimes wander into the front paddock. Though she's over the novelty and when we get there, will work up to getting closer. When I drove for walks on the edge of town, she didn't even notice the horses, so territorial. There's roos too so yep, thanks again for guidance on what to aim for. Yesterday (in suburbia), through the window she spied the neighbour's dog shitting next to our driveway - and went off. I let her out the door to chase it away..... What does she do? Play, play, play, lol. When the unit neighbour let her Staffy in our courtyard when Baci was a young pup, I thought he was making her yelp because he didn't want to play. What we didn't know was he had an ear inflammation and it was Baci making him squeal. Had to keep whacking her off his ears, but alas, no playmates. At dog parks, some owners freak out at the look of her, tsk tsk, so it's been great the odd time someone has a dog who can stretch her. Since a few days of having her, taken her occassionally to a dog friendly market all the way into the city, where she behaves and gets fawned over.... Meanwhile..... she moves like this white dog Nails. Thank you Jaso, I think she's handsome too! Good to know others appreciate this aesthetic.
  4. Could you provide names, Katrina? I looked into this earlier to find conflicting info on where quality training could be had. I take your and Peter's advice as given. Of course there's conflicting advice on types of training, how dogs are treated, the works. I didn't get this type of dog with the vague idea that we'd eventually go hunting on a whim. She fulfills her purpose for my personal reasons. What I didn't bank on was her need for stimulation of this nature to the degree she exhibits. With her character as an individual, I'm doing my best to facilitate those traits and appears to me, a chicken or egg conundrum. She's getitng ratty due to lack of opportunity in the direction that she's wired for. What some would find untenable behaviours, others accept as part'n'parcel of what makes their canines successful hunters. My hunch is she'll chill better when worked and for her wellbeing, the sooner the better. Thoughts are welcome on how hunting affects any given dog's life, espcially those as part of a family and not kennelled or chained. [edit: that wasn't meant sound judging, one practice vs another, just how it is for us... so wondering about the differences/similarities, what to expect etc]
  5. Yeah can see membership will be worth it. Glad to have made a start. Kind of procrastination instead of packing boxes for the move, while I still have broadband. Found the thread on uploading pics. In another lifetime I taught word processing to public servants/business 'n' helped compile manuals in Darwin. The pedant in me is about to post an update to that thread.... hmmm for all those fancy emoticons, no wink. ;-)
  6. Thank you for the welcome Charles (Jock & JP). Your plates are stunning, Charles..... on my wishlist. Btw, Moderators, been mucking round half the day trying to upload pics (amid other tech mysteries to manifest overnight). The settings info section doesn't expand much & got a knock back message trying to load into signature. That said, otherwise impressive navigation.
  7. Hmm, good suggestion Brendan. Yep it's fb, but because it's been a bad habit, stay off as much as possible. Though can see the benefits in this context. When people try to pigeon hole me, I don't neatly fit into how they tend to want to categorise (which doesn't matter if surface judged). So unless accepting of 'difference', that narrows the field of who may be willing to take us out. Seems ideally that she start on smaller pigs (or whatever game better suited to, should that apply) & of course we both need to build fitness. Having had more opportunity to look around this site, getting an inkling of why the issue of trust was brought up. People being taken to spots to later return and poach; growing numbers of those being where & doing what they shouldn't be. Understandable why some are wary of providing an in. Then the etiquette of contributing. Sharing beer seems to rate big -- yet I never learned to drink it and don't plan to, but will kick in for fuel & bring food. Happy to hear some good yarns, learn bush skills and retreat from how messed up the world is. Slowly been putting some kit together, so I can regain some toughness of youth. It can be appreciated that as a woman, trust in safety and decent intentions are important. Here's my email and if contacts via there or p.m. here think us worth considering, can swap #s and maybe do fb.... if it works better...and I must... *grin*. What's to lose... we might be fodder for an amusing yarn :-) Pacificpearle@gmail.com
  8. What do you base "not cut out for hunting" on, potatoscallops? And what exactly do you claim I'm pretending to be versus whatever you presume I'm not? Anti what? Whatever it is that you may feel a need to hide & be so defensive and attacking over, isn't my problem. Because it's clear you're not transparent nor particularly bright with anything useful nor correct to add for that matter. The avatar was automatically added because this website gave the option to join via social media identity - which I did, thus loading a pic from months ago using hardware/software that was accepted by my computer, unlike the faulty camera/software that isn't currently accepted by my comptuer. One thing about me is that I don't play games, so nothing fishy here. But then this medium is rife with trollers and flamers, cowards emboldened behind their keyboards to spew their insecurities on whomever they think are soft targets.
  9. Thanks JP, having barely dipped an online toe into what's involved, your input is welcome. The connections make total sense -- as do access to locations, should it become an ongoing venture. And I fully take your point that this doesn't happen overnight and without effort. I've messaged the son of a friend back in Darwin, who lives south of the border. Forgot he said he doesn't use dogs, but hoping that has changed &/or willing to give us a go now that I have one again. Also thought of trying a farmer acquainted with out west, but further than was hoping to start.
  10. Hiya Stud Dog, well where to start when there isn't much to say, hunting wise. Came across a site earlier this year for hunting dogs, because - call me shallow - I'm always struck by the good looks & reserved temperaments of hunting dogs, seen on utes. Had an awesome line of Ridgeback/Mastiffs with some Staffy thrown in crossed for pups with big handsome tan fathers (?). The nearest the last one came to hunting was hanging briefly with some hunters one night. We were passing through and I was heavily pregnant so that was the end of that. She had her ears/nose up and was sniffing something long before any of the other tried and true dogs roused, then the blokes said there were pigs on the move. So disappointed that she didn't get an opportunity. Though some of her pups (to a Dalmation hunting dog, oddly enough) went on to be pigging dogs in the Childers area. Fast forward six years since she passed, now have Baci, for whom was told also has American Bulldog in her. Suspect her parents are hunting dogs too. It's all for her benefit that I'm reaching out for anyone willing to try her in SEQ. Looking around online, trying to get a hang of the what the terms bail, hang, lug etc mean. All I know is that at seven weeks was amazed with the speed at which she ran in to grab the rag I was using to clean up after her, the strength of her pull and shaking hard from side to side. Despite putting up a heavy sprung rope, she's not interested unless a living, moving being is on the other end... and would tug all day if I could. Frustrated in suburbia, she has gotten into some not so cool behaviours - like body slamming, which she thinks she's the coolest doing; have been spun round, scraped and takes everything to brace my 88kg from losing balance. She's not aggressive though - but overly assertive & young in the head! - just needs stimulation (& some older dogs to knock her down a few pegs) that I sense hunting is the right outlet for. She sometimes barks at other dogs initially (as taught by those walked past in the 'burbs & guess she'll grow out of), unless fortunate enough to get close enough for a play..... actually fanging for some K9 company. She bloody well treats me like a canine & this needs to be correctly chanelled. I'd get another (up for the wrestling) if could afford to feed two 'cause she wolfs down lots. (Raw meat/bones.) Sure it comes across as if I don't know how to handle her, but never had these challenges before with large (obedient, loyal) dogs and aside from realising the Neo aspects, there is a strong, fearless, unmet drive..... As nature intended, before nasty domesticated 'pet food' came along. Her breeds are meant to work and I worry she's going soft and a bit crazy without it. Also I believe some dogs that become 'problem dogs' are not ulitised to their right potential. We're moving shortly to rent on 40 acres, off grid, minimal solar, closer to but still east of the Dividing Range. Back to pioneer days living. Noticed a thread here on guns/game . I don't know anything about weapons or hunting however have always liked game meat and guessing there's eel in the dam. That I've some awesome recipes for :-) Found a bit online on how to catch, but of course the virtual world is no substitute for doing it. Also want to try making biltong... drool. Look forward to a steep learning curve all round. The few times in recent years that I've learned guys (always men) go hunting, I've asked to go along.... at which point they go quiet after enthusiasticly sharing. The last being a bloke in the rural/pet supplies store who was taken by Baci and showed me pics of his hunting/family dogs. Maybe it's not the done thing to ask a stranger, but hey can only try. Maybe they think I'm naive about inherent danger. Maybe it's a 'club' where unless you have a fourby ute, the right gear, are part of a certain culture and have friends to introduce you, you don't cut it. Maybe it's deeper psychologically where men hunt and women gather. (Yes, the food garden will be my focus, but until I go vego or the chooks are happening -- that doesn't solve Baci's hunting drive.) Maybe they think I'll slow them down or expect an unwarranted cut of the spoils. I don't have a freezer, heck won't have any whitegoods soon, so that's a non..... Maybe things I'd not thought of. Whatever the issue is, if nothing else, would be interested to know what you fellas (& women?) reckon the go is, or isn't on a strange woman asking seasoned hunters for an introduction to this world. Umm, so yeah, if anyone got this far, you're probably regretting I was asked.... to be met with a chapter ;-)
  11. Btw, she doesn't look so puppy anymore as in the avatar. Having photo problems via phone. Not sure how to measure her exactly, but approx two feet/60cms to shoulder now. Not sure if there are private message options here, re how to make contact should anyone care to help out. Many thanks.
  12. Greetings folks.... Got myself a Neo Mastiff x Bully bitch as guard dog/companion. I'm convinced it remains damaging for her to not partake in some form of hunting. Catch is, I know nothing about it and have no gear. Would be willing to invest in as best quality armour I can afford if anyone is willing to have me tag along and my girl learn the ropes from their experienced dogs. Though if possible an initial breastplate loan would help to decide if worth continuing.
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