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Posts posted by Dogmann

  1. hey all my name vin i new to the sport and would like to know more bout it i just moved to sw qld and got 25000 acres and seen some pig so i want to get it any help wolud be good in getting me started cheers vin

    G'day Vin,

    Welcome to the site. To get started, don't buy a dog yet. I'd suggest you go for a run with a few blokes off the site once you get a feel for who catches a few and has a bit of an idea how to do it. Everyone has a slightly different way of handling dogs and getting their pigs. Try to get out with a few blokes but don't let everyone on land you have access to yet. Have a look at as many different dogs on here and in the flesh as you can to see what style of animal you like and then find out who has ones that work. Dogs can either find and bail up a pig or find and grab the pig. Some dogs are not finders but will grab pigs. So find out what suits you by watching a few work.

    I'm sure others will have some advice too.


  2. Yeah mate, ideally you'd get somethinng that can cover the ground quickly. Assuming it can find a bit and will swing off a pig, pace is the big thing. Don't go for the maximum pace though because they can often over run things and have trouble turning...

    Did you say you lived in that country or just your spots are in that country? If you live there ask every pig chaser you see what they use. Evenutally something will emerge that's working for the locals.

    We could all list breeds to follow but it's more about the family of dogs all these dogs are wrapped up in. Working stock of whatever breed will do the job, it's just a matter of your taste.

    Talk to blokes on here who are from places like Goondiwindi and CQ. That's where I'd start.


  3. G'day Zeboman,

    Welcome to the site. In short it works like this. After you've been on the site for a while people get a feel for what sort of bloke you are. Different people end up friendly with one another and sometimes they meet and sometimes they hunt together. No one is going to give up a hot spot for anyone let alone a bloke they don't know. Just get into the forum and see what happens.


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