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  1. G'day Mick, I make a few different sizes pretty much from 30 cal up to 458 with a few sizes missing in between. They are swaged jacketed bullets made especially for hunting Aussie game. You'll find a bunch of stuff on my web page if you google the bullet factory or secant0give you'll find it easy enough there are heaps of pics and stuff on there and a bunch of info as well. I also make field points and broad head adapters. I used to make a few borad head as well but I just havn't had time of late. If you google secant0give the "0" is a zero not an o.
  2. G'day I'm a Keen hunter and bullet maker as well. Just thaught that I'd drop by and say g'day and have a look at your forum. To be honest I havn't done much in the way of hunting with dogs and mostly hunt alone with a rifle and some times a bow. I'm keen to give dogging a go and am very interested to have a look through your posts. Any form of hunting is great fun for me and before I was old enough to be trusted with a gun I used to hunt rabits with traps. I realy enjoy the bush and have spent much time wandering about central NSW and South Australia.
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