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Posts posted by waters

  1. nice looking bitch how do you post pics am running red nose bitch and some started pups bitch 42kg and over 300 pigs under the belt had boxer bullygray bitch had for five year 200 odd under belt she was a worrer went missing of the chain and wolfhound mastiff xsomething lets say pig dog new england area a few years ago they were unstoperble dueo was very pissed of when they went

    missing love the bully gray fantistic breed

    Yeah not sure red red bull I was having trouble getting the pic up then I some how did it so I really don't no haha

  2. Thanks rob it's all interesting to me I saved your photos and put them with the rest of my photos it's good seeing pics and hearing stories about my dogs relatives Thanks mate def keen for a hunt now. Funny you mention about that drive they have,while hunting mine never let's up it just dosent stop sometimes I wonder if I'm the right owner for it because it literally out hunts me haha

  3. Kimba was my first Bullygrey Mick Benny still has the sister Bundy.

    she is the grandmother to my pups.

    IF i look back at all the dogs i had kimba was really a new type to me i was not really used to that hard drive she had.

    i had trouble containing that drive basically because i had no lead bitch to direct her and the way i hunted and trained her didnt work.

    If you were after a hard dog with drive that would never give an inch that was kimba there was no give up in the dog whats so ever. Its only now im starting to understand how to work this type of dog.

    The reason im keen on my 2 bitches i have is because kimba is the grandmother i have not had many dogs with that massive drive to catch a pig and at a very early age it was a little over the tops at times lol but impressive in another way.

    in the yard i could not fault her very relaxed and good natured.

    the first pic is kimba at 8 mths and she found and held this boar until the other dogs got there.

    the second boar kimba found it was a top find along a river system and she was just over 12 mths.

    cheers Rob

  4. Yeah she looks good mark w. Nice and big, athletic and strong. Hey Do u think u can notice the calmness of the airedale in her, I know a guy with a couple of pure bullygreys and I do think I can see the difference in mine compared to his, I am by no means an expert but I am just wondering if this could be true

  5. Yeah ok borris so what should I say is in my dog ? When I say she has airdale in her, my vet says he can see it,the same with the bull terrior and the same with the greyhound also I bought it off frosti so I was thinking it would probly be a frosti kennels Bullygreyhound/Airedale I'm not having a dig mate I just don't know what your trying to say

  6. Yeah I'm not to sure Kelvin I've only owned this line of dog so I can't compare it with a normal bullygrey I think the Airedale thickens there size up a bit but and also brings a bit of brains and calmness to the normal bullygrey. They reckon airdales are really smart and I think there right but sometimes I think there to smart for there own good

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