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Posts posted by puzzleman

  1. G'day Joel

    I don't think your dog is a dud just does not know what it is supposed to do, if you can get someone to take you out on a hunt and run your dog with their's it will learn pretty quick. In my experience it only takes one catch in most dog's for them to start to learn. In the mean time it sounds like you have a strong dog in the making by the breeding so I would suggest to you that you work with the dog, teaching it commands so that you are in control of it all the time when you do go hunting. Things like being able to stop the dog doing what it's doing and to come to you, this is good for when you want the dog to come off a pig and either run on or sit. Teach it to obey all your commands, to stock proof it walk it around other animals get it used to them now before you start hunting and you will enjoy your hunting when you start up

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